Плавательный бассейн типа песчаной лагуны и соленой водой

As its name suggests, the salt pool is a pool that is filled with salt water instead of chlorinated water. There are no dangerous products in the water, no irritation to the skin, eyes or hair. No chlorine odor that persists on the skin and swimsuits. Textiles are not attacked by chemicals. More environmentally friendly … Читать далее

В раздевалке М/Ф

Arranged with lockers, showers and toilets, two changing rooms similar in every way, both in decoration and equipment. A water extractor, will allow our guests to recover a swimsuit free of water in seconds. ( It is a high-power centrifuge system. ) Hair dryers, magnifying mirrors, laundry baskets, a water fountain, etc. . . all … Читать далее

Консультационная комната

When a new hosts arrives at the spa, our SPA team will take him/her to a consultation office located near the reception. Our health manager will take all the information on this client and ask him specific questions about his expectations, health problems, eating and sports habits, etc. . . The fact that we can … Читать далее



Гостеприимство Проживание
Здоровье и хорошее самочувствие
Терапии Холистический и Квантовый уход


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